Thursday, April 22, 2010

Batman to the rescue.

As you will find out in the course of this entry, the title has nothing to do with the actual content that you will be reading. So in case you just happened to stumble upon this site or entry and are really excited to read something about our favourite superhero, please continue... chaddiman will be making a regular appearance.

That being said.

The shift has been made. In more ways than one. I've shifted agencies from the old ambience to a fussion of a redder kind. :P

I have also shifted blogs from livejournal to here. And while that account will still be posted on, it might not contain as many postings owing to the limitations on uploading pictures.


It has been one hell of a month.

finally taking a trip to kumbh

getting conned by a baba - i wholly and solely blame my father for this.

being driven off the streets in Rishikesh

walking an endless amount

rediscovering the joys of friendship

roughing it out a tad bit

discovering how cool my extended family is

jumping of a cliff into the ganga

smoking pot with strangers

finding culture in the oddest of places

from the oddest of people

seeing faith in its purest form

hoping some of it rubs of on me.

the city has killed that part of us. the part that should believe in the irrational belief of our ancestors. the part that never challenged or questioned why we had that faith. it was just there. and no amount of thinking could change it.

while i do believe in god, i've never been on to worship idols, even though their stories are way cooler than anything i've ever come across.
we have no faith.

but i do have faith in chaddiman.
(see i told you he'd make an appearance in the post)

i'll see you fuckers later.