Monday, March 14, 2011

god talks.

their destruction is inevitable.
they have long forsaken themsleves and the planet they live on.

5...4...3...2...1... haa haa haahahahaha

don't tickle me in the middle of my countdown! this is serious business. the fate of earth rests on it, and none of your childish gimmicks will make me change my mind.

do you want me to curse you too?

for generations their kind has looted, plundered and ravaged the world it took me so long to perfect and build. And at the end of it all, the only imperfections lay in my greatest creations. the bastards even wiped out my dodo! I hadn't even finished making all my dumb jokes.

i know... it's too late to make them monkeys again.
even the monkey's will feel bad if i do.

that's why this is the only option i have left.

another warning? no! i've warned them enough. how many more times will i have to shake their world a bit. heat things up a little. destroy a few things here and there.

all of this even makes me feel petty! and to think they're the smartest of my creations.

i should be ashamed of myself. but i'm too aghast by their recklessness to loathe in self shame.

if i don't stop them, they'll only stop when everything's over anyway. so it has to be done now.


what!? no?! you wouldn't do that to me!

but...we haven't even tried all the positions yet!
these Indians i tell you, perverted little geniuses. i know you'll miss it just as much. think of when we tried No. 42... hmmm...good wasn't it?

so just let me finish this and we'll go... But why not?! how else will they learn?
ok fine! i won't finish them this time. they can thank their lucky stars we haven't got to No. 64.

but i do have to scare them don't i?

yes yes i'll give give their world a little poke. don't worry they won't even feel it. see i'll poke them right next to these small little islands. no it won't kill them! remember what i said? whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. and hopefully in this case smarter as well.



  1. oh hey, thank you.
    but please leave a link or a full name so i know who exactly i am talking to. :)

